Martes, Setyembre 29, 2015

Stress Management

                   Stress Management 
                                                By : Lily Rose Mateo

What is Stress Management ?
        Stress management refers to the wide spectrum of techniques and psychotherapies aimed at controlling a person's levels of stress, especially chronic stress, usually for the purpose of improving everyday functioning.
     You may feel there’s nothing you can do about stress. The bills won’t stop coming, there will never be more hours in the day, and your work and family responsibilities will always be demanding. But you have more control over stress than you might think. Stress management is all about taking charge: of your lifestyle, thoughts, emotions, and the way you deal with problems. No matter how stressful your life seems, there are steps you can take to relieve the pressure and regain control.

Types of Stress 

Acute stress   

          Acute stress is the most common form of stress among humans worldwide. Acute stress deals with the pressures of the near future or dealing with the very recent past. This type of stress is often misinterpreted for being a negative connotation. While this is the case in some circumstances, it is also a good thing to have some acute stress in life. Running or any other form of exercise is considered an acute stressor. Some exciting or exhilarating experiences such as riding a roller coaster is an acute stress but is usually very fun. Acute stress is a short term stress and in result, does not have enough time to do the damage that long term stress causes.

Acute stress disorder is caused by experiencing, witnessing, or being confronted with a traumatic event or events. The events create intense fear, horror, or helplessness. Traumatic events that can cause acute stress disorder include:
  • death
  • the threat of death to oneself or others
  • the threat of serious injury to oneself or others
  • a threat to the physical integrity to oneself or to others
 Chronic  Stress 
            Chronic Stress is any stress that the body is subjected to on a regular basis or on a single occasion with lasting negative effects.Chronic stress compromises the Critical Systems of Function (Hormonal, Gastrointestinal, Immune, Detoxification) that must be in harmony for your body to be healthy.
     When core systems of function become damaged by stress, physical changes occur that disrupt overall health and longevity potential.

What is causing my fatigue, depression, insomnia?

Like a collapse of dominoes, when one system falters it stresses the others, leading to illness and disease.

This process is known as the Chronic Stress Response.

The Two Types of Chronic Stress
CLINICAL (Obvious)
You don’t need a doctor to identify these sources of stress. Lifestyle decisions—along with genetics—shape the foundation of your health and determine its future. The longer chronic stress undermines your core functional systems, the less you are able to compensate for poor lifestyle behaviors.
  • Insufficient or poor quality SLEEP, rest, and recovery
  • Negatively internalizing EMOTIONS
  • Inferior FOOD choices, lack of dietary discipline, failure to control blood sugar levels and nutrient intake
  • Too much, or too little EXERCISE
  • Self-destructive behavior in general
These sources of stress occur inside the body, the results of pre-existing impacts from stress and environmental exposures. Generally obscured from the senses, subclinical stress—like clinical stress—can do damage without causing obvious symptoms.


Unhealthy Ways of coping with Stress 


Drinking too much

  Zoning out for hours in front of the TV

Withdrawing from people

Using Pill and Drugs

Sleeping too much


Taking out your stress on others ( lashing out, angry outbursts,physical violence

Healthier Ways to manage Stress

 Put on some music and dance around

Take your dog for a walk

 Walk or cycle to the grocery store

Play a ping-pong or an activity-based video game with your kids

Have lunch or coffee with a friend

Spend time in nature

Listen to music

 Play a competitive game

Work in your garden

 Play with a pet

Go for a walk

Write in your journal

 Practical Application

        Stress comes in many forms and can be seen as anything that produces the emotional and mental pressure that leads to worry, anxiety, fear, anger, apprehensions, even over excitements to which our body responds in a quick and inefficient way. In our daily life we cannot deny the fact that our mind is sometimes occupied of the things that  distracts us.
     As college students we sometimes sleep late at night because of those  projects that need to be accomplished, worrying about work deadlines,and we have no time for playing games and parties, because of our busy schedules we tend to forget the importance of relaxation. We should manage our time wisely and we should take time to enjoy like Listening to music , talking  with a friend and going for a walk because these simple things can help increase our stress. As what people say   SLOW DOWN , RELAX , TAKE IT EASY and ENJOY LIFE. Just give yourself a break !! 
No matter how powerless you may feel in the face of stress,you still have control over your lifestyle,thougths,emotions and the way we deal you problems..

"It is not the stress that kills us, it is our 

reaction to it."

                   - Hans Selye




Linggo, Setyembre 20, 2015



 The term PERSONALITY is taken from the LATIN term PERSONA meaning MASK which were first used in GREEK dram and later adapted by ROMAN players. While it originally reffered to a mask  used in comedy or tragedy  distinguish the role of a roman players. 


  Expert says that all of the theories of personality , it is psychoanalysis which has dominated over a has profoundly influence the field of psychology as well as the art, literature,ethics,philosophy and other related disciplines.FREUD structure of personality centers the ID,EGO $ SUPEREGO which are interrelated in many  ways.(chaplain 1979)                                                                                                    


FACTORIAL THEORY by -Raymund Cattell                                  
 Defines personality as "that which permits a prediction of what a person will do in a given situation". He believed that the trait approach is the most fruitful in describing personality.he defines trait as"characterological or relatively permanent features of personality"


THEORY OF INDIVIDUALITY    by- Gordon Allport                                          

  "It is the dynamic organization with in the individual of those psychophysical system that determines his characteristic behavior and thought" PSYCHOPHYSICAL refers to habits,attitudes and traits.DYNAMIC ORGANIZATION means that personality is a developing,changing organization that reflects motivational conditions. Allport believes that personality is not just a congeries of unrelated traits but it also demonstrate a unity and integration of traits.

       MURRAY defines personality as  "The governing organ of the body,an institution,which, from birth to death,is ceaselessly engaged in transformative functional operations."Murray a doctor says that personality is located in the Brain.He is the exponent of 
the expressions "NO BRAIN,NO PERSONALITY"



                                                                              -  by CARL ROGERS  $ ABRAHAM MASLOW

                  Self theory consist of positive self regard which refers to attitudes of warmth respect,liking and acceptance on the part of others towards the self and similar attitudes with regards to one own experiences independent of social transactions with others.The full functioning person is   "One who has achieved an optimal adjustment in his interpersonal relations.Phenomenology views man as a being that acts upon his  environment with a degree of intentionality.

  BURRHUS F. SKINNER  proposed his theory by describing  rules or principles that govern the relationship between stimuli and responses,and reinforcement. Assumes that behavior is orderly and that our primary purpose is to control it. "Personality involves those dimensions of individual which either depicts his uniqueness or his common abilities with others. These dimension form a consistent and determines the behavior and  enduring  pattern in a manner that thought of the individual and facilities the accurate    prediction  of behavior in a wide variety of interpersonal situation"


       RENZIE and JAYSON  both failed their midterm examination   in psychology ,but they reacted in different ways.When RENZIE saw her grade,she felt sick to her stomach and had to fight back tears.She cut her next class,rushed home and shut herself up in her room to lied in bed, stare at the ceiling and feel inadequate.JAYSON on the other hand, was all bluster.HE too cut his next class after learning his grade,but he ran to the cafeteria to join his friend and make a loud jokes about his stupid psychology professor. Speaking loosely there is something inside people that makes them think,feel and act different way.And "that something inside" is what we mean by "PERSONALITY"

QUOTES ABOUT PERSONALITY: