Biyernes, Setyembre 18, 2015

Effects of Substance Abuse and its Practical Application.
By: Arnelyn S. Pactao-in

"Why do People really abuse substances?'.
 The question that should be answered by those who are into substance Abuse or Drug addiction.

A Drug is any substance, other than food, that through its chemical or physical nature, alters structure or function of a living organism(Ray, 1996).
Addiction by definition is the substance independence such as illegal drugs, alcoholic drinks and also gambling.

Substance Abuse simply means excessive use of potentially addictive substance, especially one that may modify body functions, such as Alcohol and Drugs. 

Escape, one of the main reason why people abuse substances. Why? because for them taking illegal drugs or alcoholic drinks makes their problems fade but without even knowing the effects of it that can destroy them.
The effects of abusing substances can affect not just the physical development of a person especially it's health but it also affects the emotional, social, and most especially their analytical or it's mental health development.Below are the effects of abusing substances:

Physical\Health Effects: 

>Changes in physical appearance.

An example of a woman affected by using too much illegal drugs.
>Contraction of HIV, hepatitis or any other illnesses.
>Heart rate irregularities, heart attack.
>Respiratory problems such as Lung cancer, emphysema and breathing problems.

>Abdominal pain pain, constipation, vomiting, diarrhea.
>Kidney and liver damage.

>Changes in appetite.

Loss Appetite.

Emotional effects:

> Wild mood swings, depression, anxiety, paranoia, violence.
>Decrease in pleasure in everyday life.
> Insane.

Social Effects:
>Isolation- the complete separation with other persons.

>Financial Strain- because of our aim to have drugs we use our money to buy it and for the result our money can be drained.

>Relationships (Close Connections).- can also be affected or be broken because of involving ourselves into drugs. 

>Family - The family can be dissolved, children can develop emotional issues and trust can be shattered.

>Job Loss.- job can also be affected because they can't focus and perform well to do the things that are assigned to finish.

Mental Health Effects:
>Long lasting changes in the brain such as;
-hallucinations - people using drugs can suffer from having illusions, false notations, and delusion.
-paranoia - they can also be paranoid of what others might do to them.
-aggression - they can be much aggressive to attack or fight back with others.
-depression - they will feel the sadness or dullness.

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